Healthy and Happy (87/365) #blogaday MARCH SOL 31/31

For the last day of March Slice of Life with (can’t believe how fast the month went!), I decided to share a way for you all to have self-care and hopefully de-stress for a bit during these strange times.

I have chronic neck and shoulder pain and really love doing Yoga or Pilates to help me stretch and try to loosen up the super tight muscles. While staying with my parents, my mom mentioned that she would love to try some Yoga so I set up one of my favorite online instructors (Yoga with Adrienne).

Yesterday, after the almost 10 hour day of driving and a 4 hour drive the day before, my shoulders and neck were stiff from being in the same position for too long. I know Adrienne’s channel has some great exercises solely for neck and shoulders, so I looked one up. I think it is important to try to keep calm with deep breaths and get rid of some stress/anxiety by stretching out the parts of the body where most people hold those negative tensions.

I hope you will get some relaxation from this video below and possibly bring it into your daily practice, like I plan to do. We all need some self-love for a happy and healthy mind and body right about now!

16 thoughts on “Healthy and Happy (87/365) #blogaday MARCH SOL 31/31

  1. I have a neck pain problem as well as my back pain. I used to go to a specific chiropractor in Minnesota but it’s way more expensive in LA, so I stopped going. I do yoga sometimes. I think it works. I did the exercise along with the video! Thank you for sharing this, it’s so relaxing! And thank you for a lot of inspiration, fun, art, dance, and your cat you shared in your posts this month! I have enjoyed reading your stories. It’s been a pleasure to get to know you, Hannah. We will stay connected! We might run across somewhere in LA too. 😀

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    1. Thank you for such a nice message Mari! I really enjoyed reading your posts about teaching, nature, your culture, and different kinds of tea 🙂 I hope we can still read each other’s post on our blogs. I’m glad the video was relaxing and happy to help!

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      1. Yeah, I know… I’m trying myself too. I think this is a weak point of Weebly. I’ll keep researching how to better do it.

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      2. Hi Hannah, I think I figured it out. I embedded a code/link on my blog page so you can subscribe by email. I hope this works better!

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