Music Monday: Collection of Concerts

It has been over two weeks since I last blogged..!! I was definitely feeling writing withdrawals – my mood has been less enthused after work at night, and my brain feels like there is too much jumbled up in it. I had so much going on these past weeks (parents in town, going to the coast, school field trip in the mountains). From being too exhausted, to staying in places without internet, it has been a rough 15 days 😦 Time just wasn’t on my team.

Anyways, I’m back!! And plan to write a bunch again – every few days! I have to get the writing part of my brain sparked and oiled so it won’t get rusty.

For this Music Monday, I want to do a catch up of the concerts I have been to since I moved back in August. They have all been great in different ways 😮 I went with a mix of different people, which made each show unique based on the memories made. I started off seeing John Williams conducting some of his top movie scores with Nathan and my sister, then I saw Margaret Glaspy (one of my loves – seen her twice now!) with the 5th grade co-teacher! Next, it was time for Explosions in the Sky (also with coworkers), as well as Fleet Foxes with Nathan 🙂 Lastly, the most recent concert I took Nathan to was the Songhoy Blues who brought the house down!

John Williams was super cool because it was like seeing snippets of big name movies, and the crowd had great energy. Nathan, as a music composer, was a great audience member since he was in such awe of John Williams.

(songs in order) Margaret Glaspy, Explosions in the Sky, Fleet Foxes, and Songhoy Blues are close to the top of my favorite artists at the moment – seeing them was very exciting! I had never been to a show for Fleet Foxes or Explosions in the Sky; and my teacher friends as well as Nathan were great music buddies because they appreciate and love the artists too.

The atmosphere and vibes that came with the Songhoy Blues show was EPIC! I had seen them last year with my dad, but really wanted Nathan to experience them as well. I danced and smiled so much 🙂

I have certainly been to a cacophony of music shows since I have moved.


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