Monday vibes (28/31 MARCH SOLSC) #sol22

As my alarm goes off, the first words out of my mouth this morning are “I’m still tired”

That’s never a good way to start, especially on a Monday when the day is always harder to get back to the groove.

A busy weekend is fun but if I don’t fully catch-up from the exhaustion of the work week then it’ll be a tough few days.

I usually don’t have a second cup of coffee because I don’t think caffeine affects me that much so it’s probably unnecessary when I can countdown to the end of the day and then get an early night. I am somewhat regretting that as my brain is foggy but I’ll power through.

Hopefully tonight I’ll go to bed early, and Patches (*who woke me up multiple times last night and the night before*) will let me get the sleep I need.

8 thoughts on “Monday vibes (28/31 MARCH SOLSC) #sol22

  1. >As my alarm goes off, the first words out of my mouth this morning are “I’m still tired”<

    This happens too often! I hope you get the sleep you need and that Patches gives you the space you need! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He has let me sleep more! He seems to go through waves when he can’t decide whether to be in or out of the covers – but I can’t imagine him not sleeping with us on our bed


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