Passion for Patches (DAY 22/31 March SOL)

What is it about you that never lets me down?

Is it the way you look at me when I reach the right spot on your neck?

Is it how you run down the hall to the door excitedly when I get home?

Or possibly when you sleep so close to my head that I can feel your breath?

Maybe it’s your snaggle-tooth and goopy eyes that drew me in?

Or the meow that reacts to what I’m saying?

It has to be pawing at my arm to say “I never said you were done petting”

No, I know! It’s the belly flapping when I shake the treat bag 😮

It is the all-encompassing personality and lovable face that stole my heart at the shelter a few years ago. 

Patch, Pappy, Papulis, Schplap, Patches

You will always have my heart and part of my soul too – just looking at you as I’m writing this post brings a smile to my face 🙂



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