Sensing the world: Day 4 of 15 Day Challenge (156/365) #blogaday

Today’s question is what do you see, hear, and smell right now?

I SMELL broccoli being cooked.

I HEAR children laughing in the apartment hallway.

I SEE Patches relaxing on the couch.

While at work I tried to write one but didn’t have time:

I HEAR the pitter patter of dog claws following me around

I SEE the people walking outside wearing masks

I SMELL the coffee I brewed slowly waking me up

This is why I didn’t get a chance..ha!

I HEAR the door of a toddler being rattled who woke up from her nap early… 😮

I SEE a little face peeking over the baby gate

I SMELL that her diaper needs to be changed

What do you see, hear, and smell right now? 🙂

6 thoughts on “Sensing the world: Day 4 of 15 Day Challenge (156/365) #blogaday

  1. Right now, I see the sunset, I smell sesame seed oil that I used to cook dinner, and I hear my fridge… so quiet in my apartment right now.

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      1. Oh, I missed your reply! I made a Korean-like dish. Something like veggie saute with pork, cooked in sesame oil. It goes very well with ramen noodles. 🙂

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