Many Moods of Music DAY 14/31 March SOL

Working out, relaxing, and showering – what do they all have in common?

For me, they all involve music. But in a very different essence. Music for working out can sometimes be soothing (if I am doing Pilates of Yoga); however, today I did a more intensive cardio session. I had to jump in the fast lane with my energy level, so turned up White Stripes on Pandora and had a fun active sing-along with the intervals.

(“You’re pretty good looking” White Stripes)

The songs for relaxing can vary as well, with more slow jazz or indie rock while also including more peppy indie pop. Today, I was reading to the newest Jens Lekman (in feat. image – met him!) record – which actually made it hard to read because I was bopping around to the fun songs! So maybe should have picked a mellower background choice, but I still relaxed in my chair while singing…

(“Hotwire the Ferris Wheel” and “Whats that perfume you wear”)

Showering is often intertwined with all kinds of music. I either click shuffle on my phone or pick the last month’s Top 12 playlist, which means I listen to anything from hip hop to Norah Jones. I love shuffling music because I can’t even see what songs are playing as I shampoo, so it adds a fun element of surprise when tunes come on 🙂

(“Only God Knows” Young Fathers)

Made of beats and words

Must be a part of my life

Music all around


personal DAY 6, started late! (going to do 31 days still, just finished after March)

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